Saturday, July 20, 2013

My reflection on the difficulties in the Cherokee nation

        I believe that this is one of the biggest and most devastating events in Cherokee history. I could not believe that the Cherokee had to leave there homeland and change their lives when they didn’t even do anything wrong. The fact that it was unexpected makes it even worse. Not only was I shocked but I was sad as well. Andrew Jackson had no right to invade these people’s lives and kick them out of their own land. The Cherokee value their land and their culture and it was all taken from them. At the end of the video the commentator says that this was “one of the saddest chapters in American history” and I agree with him.
       I believe that it is really great that the Cherokee people are trying to revitalize their language just like the Wampanoag people did. I also believe that it's a great thing that the living Cherokee people care so much about their culture and what they will go through to keep it alive. This proves that through hard work and dedication, it is possible to keep the language alive. It's also very interesting to me that the Wampanoag people and the Cherokee people have been through such similar things in regards to language loss and land loss. Both the Wampanoag people and the Cherokee people did a very good job trying to keep their cultures alive. 

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